
Showing posts from March, 2024

Understanding Hives: Duration, Causes, and Relief

Hives, also known as urticaria, are red, raised welts on the skin that can be intensely itchy. The duration of hives can vary from person to person and depends on several factors, including the underlying cause, individual health, and how the condition is managed. Here's a comprehensive guide on how long do hives last , common causes, and effective ways to find relief. How long do hives last? Hives can be classified into two types based on their duration: Acute Hives: Acute hives are short-term and typically last for a few hours to six weeks. They are often a response to allergic reactions, infections, or certain medications. Acute hives are generally more common and tend to resolve on their own without leaving lasting effects. Chronic Hives: Chronic hives persist for more than six weeks and can last for months or even years. The causes of chronic hives are often more complex and may involve autoimmune factors. Identifying and managing the underlying triggers is crucial for address